Friday, May 31, 2013

Back in the Saddle

So, I was really slacking for a couple of months.  My boyfriend noticed that I was really unhappy at my previous job, but I was in deep, deep denial about it.  The truth of the matter is that I was coming home with less and less motivation, feeling less and less happy, wanting to do less and less.

Then I lost my job.

God, that was awful.  I was sure it was a dream for a few minutes.  A nightmare, really.  I cried.  A lot.  Everyone involved was kind of robotic about the whole situation.  It's the first time I had "failed" in a clear and distinct way in adulthood, and I didn't take it well.

Then I got another job.

Well, that didn't last nearly as long as I thought it would.  I'm very happy to say that I got a much better job with a better salary.  So, the excuses are off of the table.  It's time to get back in the saddle.  In the last week alone I've dropped a good chunk of weight (after pigging out the previous week).

Proof of progress!
So here I go, trying to get out of the 200s.  9 pounds to go!