Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Dear Ellis: Two Months In

Dear Ellis,
Momma loves you and loves being your momma. I fear all of the time that I'm not doing enough, or not doing the right things. I fear that you'll come to harm or fail to thrive in a hundred different ways. I fear I have too much on my plate and I'm missing too much of your tiny, ever-changing life.


You're beautiful. You're smiling and making fantastic little noises. You're growing and showing me how strong you are. You give me enough breaks that I can feel like things are just manageable enough.

I hope you always know what love is. I hope you know you can always find safety in the arms of your parents. I hope you become the most wonderful person that this world doesn't deserve but so badly needs.


I hope I never forget what it's like to have you fit in my arms so perfectly. I hope I never forget your peaceful, smiling, squishy face. I hope I never forget how lucky I am that you chose me to be your momma.

Momma loves you.
