Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Remembering and Misremembering

I had a long heart-to-heart with my mom over dinner on Friday night. It wasn't planned. She had a bit of liquid courage in her from the wine we had with our steak, and I suppose I should be worried about this as she is a recovering alcoholic, but I don't think she overdid it. Anyway, she started seemingly out of nowhere by asking me if I remembered when I was little and my brother and I were at a young friend's house. I had been playing around in the cutlery drawer, which I shouldn't have been doing. I was famous for that: doing what I wasn't supposed to, but I suppose that's all children. Anyway, I had cut myself pretty badly on a knife and decided to lie and tell the parents watching me and my mom that my brother had cut me. Somehow my mom found out that I had lied, probably because she eventually figured out that I was a compulsive liar and my little brother had a hard time lying about anything because his anxiety convinced him he'd get caught anyway. I assume that when my brother insisted that I was lying and he didn't do anything my mom rightfully chose to believe him. She brought this up because she was wondering if I remembered that she put myself and my brother in the car, drove up to the mountains and into the middle of the forest, and kicked me out of the car. She then drove away, listening to me screaming and crying in terror.

I didn't remember this at first, but as I let the story sink in I did. I remembered that it was around dusk, and there was nothing around me except for the path my mom had driven up. I was terrified. I was scared of the dark, and I thought monsters or animals would come and attack me. I was screaming for somebody to please help me. What's worse is because I was a child, I believed I deserved this treatment. She screamed at me when I wouldn't get out of the car at first. She said I was a liar and she didn't want a liar for a child, so she wanted me to get out and not to dare come back. I don't know how long she left me there, but I don't think it was long. I think she continued to yell at me on the drive back. That's all I really remember.

She asked me this because she wanted to apologize for that. This memory haunts her. I think she can still hear me screaming in her memories, and that's why she came back so quickly. I don't think any parent in their right mind can hear their child suffer like that and not come to their senses pretty quickly. My mom explained that she wasn't looking to excuse her actions at all, as they were inexcusable. Having my brother and I gave her a reason to live when she was really and truly suicidal during that time in her life, but having two young children to raise on her own was also the cause of an enormous amount of stress and she often snapped under the weight of it. Now that she's older and owning her shit she wants to let me know the mistakes that stick with her, and this was one of them.

My mom then asked me what I did remember. Among other things, I talked to her about the time DYFS had been called and we met them at school. I misremembered the reason why they had been called. Apparently I had let slip to my teacher that my mom left my brother and I alone at night while she worked the graveyard shift at the factory she was working at when I was in Kindergarten. She couldn't afford a babysitter, but she had maneuvered things so that she was only ever gone when we were sleeping, and working from home when we were awake. My mother managed to scramble and say that the same young friend's parents (the house where I accidentally cut myself) would be watching us from then on. They lived in the same apartment complex as us. I have distinct memories of being carried out to the car by the father, I was barely awake and was taken back down the block at some unknown hour to our own apartment. I don't know how long that went on, but according to what my mom said it was long enough for DYFS to conclude their investigation on my mom and her friend to make sure she was watching us.

During this same conversation we talked about a lot of things like how she agonized over whether or not she made the right decision not to let my father's air force captain adopt us away from her, or if her stress had somehow made my brother a quiet baby and troubled young man. This  ultimately led to me being able to tell my mom that I am non-binary. She didn't really react to that. She neither reacted in disgust and horror nor did she accept me with open arms. She just received the information and didn't really question it. She learned why and when I became really depressed - when my friends called to tell me that they couldn't take my lying any more and didn't want to be my friends the summer between middle school and high school. It dawned on her that that's when I really started gaining weight, because I was overeating and not really leaving my room, but she hadn't known what was going on so she couldn't put the pieces together.

I was kind of hoping to get to talk to my mother more on this visit and truly get to know her better, but also have more frank discussions with her about who I am and what we've been through. Slowly over time, we are getting there. I'm learning more about my extended family than I ever realized, like the fact that her father was also "strict" and abusive (so that's where she learned it from), and my aunt (her little sister) had been abused by her husband and that's why she came to live with us sometimes before she was killed by a drunk driver. I worry a lot that my mom will have some secret health problems and will suddenly pass away without me having the chance to really get to know her, or her getting to really know me, but I hope that we keep picking up momentum and build a real relationship moving forward so that I can get some resolution and clarity on my memories and history.

Monday, June 25, 2018

A Line in the Sand

You know, things change. Facts are acquired and decisions can be altered so I'm not fool enough to say that my mind is made up and that's that, but this is where I'm at as of right fucking now and I need people to be crystal fucking clear about this.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: my husband is the best person I know. Time and again he's put me first. He's helped me, supported me, and never, ever hurt me. In three months and a day we'll have been together for 8 years, married for 3. I half-expect him to change out of nowhere. This is an improvement from the beginning of our relationship when I fully expected him to change and start to treat me badly or realize I wasn't worth the effort and leave me. The fact is, he hasn't changed. He's been steady. He even got better somehow.

After a week away from him on vacation and coming in later than expected my husband had dinner ready, the house picked up, and was fully ready to take care of me in every way possible. From doing emotional labor with me based on difficulties during my vacation to giving me a full body massage to ease my stress and even giving me space to zone out, he has been utterly perfect. That's not to say that I believe my husband is perfect. He's just perfect for me. He's my best friend, my person, and he makes me so incredibly happy.

So let me be clear: you cannot support me and not support my husband. I do not accept that. I am sick and tired of people treating my husband like shit and letting the both of us down based on lies or people not able to deal with their feelings like goddamn adults. My husband deserves praise and love just like I do. He doesn't deserve the scorn, lies, and abandonment he's gotten. I've been there to support him while people put him down just for reaching out and checking in on them once a fucking month. What the actual fuck, people? Why can't people see this is like the very bare minimum to try to be a good friend? When was the last time you reached out? Alex likes to internalize a lot of how people let us down and make it about him and his flaws but he's owning too much that doesn't belong to him because others won't own their shit and I'm tired of it.

Accept the both of us - our friendship, our love, and our united front - or see yourself to the door. I'm completely fed up.

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Dark Hours

It's not that I feel a need to explain myself, but more just figure myself out. Today did not start out well. The weekends are not going well for me in general because I lack the usual stressful social chaos that used to be my life. With this time, my brain has time to ruminate. I tried to make some sort of routine for myself. That didn't go anywhere.

It starts with having trouble wanting to get out of bed in the morning. Hours can pass so quickly. I swear I'm not there so long, but before I know it it's close to noon and I meant to get out of bed at eight. "What is the point?" I think to myself. My depressed mind seduces me with all sorts of awful, mean thoughts about how the people I cared about never really cared about me, how my life was a lie, and how the people who remain are growing tired of me. They would be better off without me.

I know I should reach out, but I'm completely frozen. What if they're having a hard time, too? What if they're having a harder time? I have friends and loved ones losing parents, dealing with homelessness, and having their social lives ripped apart through no choice of their own, unlike me. I feel guilty for engaging in Pain Olympics, even mentally. If they wanted to hear from me, they would have reached out. How long has it been since they did? I check. I get sad. I feel guilty again. People have lives, and I knew how social entropy would work here. I made my choices and I am sticking to them.

The pain builds so much that I start crying just to relieve something, and then I get up and manage to drag myself downstairs to do basic things like take my medications and eat. I even brew up some tea. Now people are reaching out and I can't feel anything. I can't smile. I can't laugh, and I don't want to. I cry again. Now my brain is thinking some more seductive and very scary thoughts, the making arrangements and writing a note kind. I let my mind mull over that for a little while as my tea gets cold and consider not telling anyone what I'm thinking. I tell my husband anyway.

After a long delay, I drag myself to the shower and wash my hair for the first time since I got it re-dyed, which means a lot of dye leaking out of my hair. Feels kind of therapeutic. I decide to do every bit of grooming and moisturizing I can from head to toe, and then I dry my hair and decide to do my makeup. Now I'm starting to feel normal again.

In the middle of doing my makeup, my husband comes up with a vase of flowers from my boyfriend. This is my life now. Yeah, it feels weird to me too, but it definitely makes me feel better. I finish my makeup and head out for a planned pedicure and not a moment too soon apparently. Toenails were about to revolt.

By the time I get home and my husband and I get to the movies, I feel completely like my normal self, but at the beginning of the day I thought that there was no way to salvage a day that started out as badly as this one did seemingly without cause.

I don't know if this is the way it is for everyone. I know what to do, or what I should do, to cope and get myself out of those dark hours when I'm feeling so low that I don't know if I can get back up again. I have a tried and true crisis plan, and I know what works for me. Sometimes, despite my experience to the contrary, I lose faith that my plans and tactics work, or that my support system will be able to catch me this time. Sometimes I wish they wouldn't.

Today was hard. I survived anyway.