Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Month 3 Results

I just wanted to start out this entry by thanking everyone who's been offering me support and beautiful words of encouragement lately.  It really has helped, because this month has been rough.  Most of all, I would like to thank Alex, who stays endlessly optimistic about me and my progress despite my tendancy not to be very responsive in the moment.  It's easy to get discouraged, but this month has proven to me that I am mighty.
Here are the numbers:
30/31 days working out (only one day missed!)
357,046 steps (92,451 more than last month!)
163.52 miles (44.26 miles more than last month!)
1,334 push-ups (holy moly!)
2,579 body weight squats (245 more than last month!)
29 days meeting 10,000 steps goal
29 days meeting 5 miles goal
What an improvement, right?  Well, wind, prepare to vacate sails.
Starting weight: 226.4 lbs.
Ending weight: 226.4 lbs.
Weight change: 0
That's right.  No weight change.  In fact, this month I struggled with weight ballooning back.  I was actually terrified that I was going to post up a weight gain in this entry, and I'm thrilled that I'm not.
Back to Alex's encouragement.  He figured out through my tracking that though I've not lost any weight this month, I had lost 2.7% body fat according to my FitBit Aria scale.  So, I'm the same weight, but mightier!  Not bad, eh?  Would like some weight loss, though...
Anyway, Primal eating didn't go exactly as planned, but I definitely drastically cut down on the refined carbs.  Let's see if it pays off as I push through another month.
Also, here are some pictures - the left from eight days ago, the right from this morning.  Not much difference in eight days except for the loss in water weight, but next month should snow some clear differences!

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