Monday, April 20, 2015

My Weekend with Contrave

So, I took my first dose on Friday morning. I've been taking one pill in the morning ever since. Maybe it was because it was the weekend, but my anxiety and nausea were nowhere to be found all weekend.

I went for a run on Sunday after getting new shoes and gear Saturday. I played games with my friends and roleplayed on my new LARP's forums and I felt good. I felt calm. Maybe it was in part channeling this new, mature, calmer character for the LARP. Maybe it's a placebo effect. I am taking Wellbutrin, though as far as I can tell it's not at a therapeutic dose for depression.

My supervisor pointed out today that sometimes people just don't know they're depressed until they get better. Maybe I've been depressed all along. Maybe that was always the missing link. I'm considering staying on an anti-depressant after I'm done with the Contrave. Maybe it will make a difference for me. I don't know. What I do know is that I had a good weekend.

Also, take a look at my breakfast smoothie recipe:

Holy cow! It was a bit thick, so I'm adding honey and eliminating the greek yogurt. Better to use that stuff as a snack later in the day. Had to buy a new blender because I burned out the motor on my old, cheap version by blending a bag of kale with a 1/2 liter of vanilla almond milk - that's my "green base."

Oh, and I'm down in weight from last week. Like, 0.8 lbs, but still.


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