Thursday, February 14, 2013

My One Man Support System

My boyfriend asked me to post about his weight loss, and honestly it's astounding.  He'll never be skinny, and quite honestly that's fine with me.  He tends to bulk up like crazy once he starts lifting, which he hasn't done so instead he's been dropping pounds like crazy.  At tip top shape he'll be tall, broad, and muscular.  Yeah.  No complaints.  Rawr.  The plan is for him to start lifting at the end of March, when his workplace ends their "Biggest Loser" first quarter challenge.  For now, he's losing the extra mass, and this is what it's looked like so far:

Pretty dramatic change.  This morning he told me he's lost about 40% of the weight he intends to lose.  I'm so proud of him.  I'm so glad to have him as a partner in this journey.  He's inspiring and sparks my inspiration when I'm feeling low, but also allows me a break when I need one.  And he's all mine.  Rawr.

We've been dating for about two and a half years now, and we're always pushing ourselves to be better people -- smarter, healthier, more successful, less in debt, more fun.  I fell in love with his brain on our first date when he used the word "amalgamation."  Swoon.  Got to love an intelligent man.  I fell in love with his heart when he swallowed his pride and told me he loved me a few dates later -- even though I'd known it and felt it for a while by then.  I just didn't want to tell him, due to my own pride.  I fell in love with the rest of him pretty quickly after that, and even though there's technically less of him to love, I find myself falling more in love with this man who's made the most excellent partner in the past two and a half years.

Help me cheer him on!

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