Saturday, March 1, 2014

Month 2 Results

I'm really proud of myself today.  I'm stronger, more mentally tough, and I'm working steadily toward all of my goals!

Here's the numbers (and comparisons!):

24/28 days working out (same amount of days, slightly higher proportion!)
264,595 steps (22,570 steps more than last month!)
119.26 miles (13.91 miles more!)
1383 kneeling push-ups (278 more!)
2334 body weight squats (748 more!)
161 push-ups (all-new!)
19 days 10,000 steps goal met (8 more days!)
15 days 5 miles goal met (9 more days!)
Starting weight: 231.3 lbs.
End weight: 226.5 lbs.
Weight change: -4.6 (.1 less loss than last month - which had three more days!)
Yay!  If I could lose at this healthy rate until my projected wedding date, I'd lose 85 pounds overall!  Geez, that would make me weight 151.  I can't remember the last time I weighed that much, and my goal is more like 170, which I think is much more realistic given that I'm bound to hit a plateau or two.
Still!  Go me!
I'm going to try to eat Primal this month (NOT Paleo because fuck no dairy).  You can learn more about Primal at  It will be a nice way to detox for a month without starving myself.  Admittedly, I do have a high-sugar/carb diet and it does need a bit of a revamp.
Wish me luck!

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