Tuesday, February 25, 2014


It never fails.  A physical feat is put in front of me and I laugh and say, "Oh, that's cute.  Yeah, that's not going to happen."  Then I do it.  I like that about me, that I'm capable of more than I think I am.

Alex and I decided we want to attempt the Insanity workout (I know, we're in trouble) so I decided to do the 100 push-ups routine again but with full body push-ups instead of the kneeling type.  I've always had wimpy upper body strength, so I surprised myself by doing 15 in a set.  Mind you, I have far from perfect form (I can NOT get low) but I did it!

So, the program started out well with 48 push-ups in 5 sets side-by-side with Alex.  I'm also re-doing the squats with better form (dipping low).

Finally, I ran 20 minutes on the treadmill, which I've been struggling with since the middle of last week.  I'm kind of glad Alex wasn't home because I was psyching myself up toward the end.  Meaning I was talking to myself.  Loudly.  Repeatedly.  Like a drill sergeant.  You know what?  It worked.  I did it.

On February 20th, I was at 3.5 lbs. down from the 1st, which surprised me.  I haven't exactly been eating the way I should be, but maybe that doesn't matter as much in the early stages.  I'm losing weight at a healthy pace.

Now, if I could just lose my doubts about what I'm capable of...

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