Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Day Two

I woke up more motivated than ever.  When I hopped up on the scale just to check my progress, it read 239.5.  Well, that's a relief.  1.) I'm doing what I'm supposed to do, and 2.) Most of the weight that came on suddenly is, in fact, holiday weight that will leave quickly.  When I get through the first ten pounds or so, that's when the real work will begin.

Kicked off the day by doing bench lifting exercises in the 5x5 program.  Today was squats, bench press, and pendlay rows.  I definitely feel it with an extra 45-65 pounds clutched to my chest.  It was a good workout, though.

Speaking of good workout, I also took my first Zumba class today.  HO LAWDY was that lady not messing around.  She refused to stop for the whole hour.  I could barely get a mouthful of water in between songs.  I think I'll go back.  It was fun, the hour went by quickly, and it helped me get all of my steps for the day.

Now, for the food report.  I did have two extra string cheese last night because -- and this is hard for me to come to terms to -- it doesn't matter to me that I'm full.  I eat because I can, probably to address uncomfortable feelings.  To that end, I plan to attend an Overeaters Anonymous meeting and look into Weight Watchers.  I will also budget in an individual therapist soon.  Anyway, food report:

Breakfast - Three eggs with a half a tablespoon of butter and 1 1/2 cups of skim milk = 416 Cal

Lunch - Tuna with light mayo, a banana, and an apple = 355 Cal

Dinner - Wendy's Spicy Chicken 1/2 Salad, no Dressing = 440 Cal

Snacks - 2 String Cheese, a handful of almonds = 310 Cal

Total: 1,521 Cal 112 Carb 80 Fat 95 Protein 2,332 Salt 48 Sugar

I didn't feel deprived at any point during the day.  In fact, I almost forgot I still had an apple to snack on on the way back home.  I'm not saying that I wouldn't love to snack on something salty right now, but it's not because I'm hungry.

Another day well done.  Wouldn't be surprised if I hopped on the scale tomorrow and I lose another 1.5 lbs, because I'm pretty sure that's what I packed on because of my favorite holiday, Thanksgiving, which disguises my disordered eating in the tradition of eating until you're about to burst.

I feel a headache coming on for some reason... bleh.  Time to curl up and wish it away.

1 comment:

Victoria said...

Sounds like you have had an awesome day :). Good luck for tomorrow!