Monday, November 26, 2012

Day One

So, I'm really putting it out there.  I'm at an all-time low health and weight-wise.  My boyfriend's aunt let us borrow a high-end scale of hers and I jumped on it this morning after five days of holiday gorging and the number read... 243.  I get a lump in my throat every time I think about that number.  That's bad.  That's just unacceptable.  At best, I'm 5' 7 1/2''.  The scale estimated that I'm at 50% body fat.  I don't even... UGH.  So, here it is, all out in the open.  I have GOT to stop playing around with this or I'm going to end up dead sooner rather than later and with a whole slew of health problems leading up to that.  THIS IS NOT OKAY.

So, my boyfriend and I have come up with a reward system, allowing us to earn roughly $10/day in "fun budget" to be cashed out at various weight goals.  There are some bonuses involved, and an ultimate payoff.  I don't want to get into specifics right this second.  While I'm on the topic of things I don't want, let me make this clear:


Now, that sounds harsh, but trust me, I've heard it all before.  I know it's simple.  I know it's intuitive.  I know that I should have more of this and less of this and less stuff overall.  Avoid processed junk, stay whole and natural, don't eat white stuff, blah blah blah.  I KNOW.  I swear to god, if I see one comment to the effect of, "Well, ACTUALLY, you could try... it would work if... what I did was... I think you're doing it all wrong..." it gets deleted.  Period.  Done.  This is MY journey.  This is personal.  It starts today.  I could use some support, though.  I could use A LOT of support, actually.  Here it goes.

1 comment:

Jenica said...

I understand. My line of You've Been There Before, Girl, And You Don't Want To Go Back was 190. I've made it into the 170s and it's fucking HARD.

But I'm doing it.

Good luck. It's the right thing to do. We all deserve to be healthy and fit and comfortable in our skin. Good for you for working toward it.