Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Goodbye Holiday Weight!

So, I said goodbye to probably the last chunk of my holiday weight this morning when the scale read 237.5.  Woot!  Now... I'm back to square one.  At least I'm not behind the eight ball any more.  Insert another catchy saying.

Despite feeling pretty sore where my thigh joins my hips (probaby from all of the squat moves in the Zumba class I took), I tried running this morning, and let me tell you, 6.0 is NOT my speed on the treadmill.  I'mma cruise on my 5.0 for now, thank you very much.  I could only sustain 6.0 for about 2 minutes max.  Yeah, gonna have to train up to that.  Starting up C25K again.  Maybe this time I'll actually complete it.

Anyway, the day was very busy and had me running around everywhere so between my morning run and my job, I racked up 10,000 steps before I got home, and then I got the bug to clean, so I got up over 12,000.  Woot!  I also didn't have a lot of down time to snack, so that left plenty of room for a REAL dinner.


Breakfast: Three eggs with a half a tablespoon of butter and 1 cup of skim milk = 374 Cal

Lunch: Tuna with mayo, also an apple = 250 Cal

Dinner: My famous spicy chicken pasta, a glass of apple juice = 776 Cal

Snacks: Two string cheese = 140 Cal

Total: 1,540 Cal 170 Carb 53 Fat 97 Protein 1,637 Salt 69 Sugar

And according to MyFitnessPall, I was only over on sugar today!  Not bad!  Aaahhh!

I'm kind of excited to step on the scale tomorrow, but I'm also aware that I had a heavy dinner and so that might not work in my favor.  We shall see!

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